An excellent deal if you are planning to visit New York for under $1000.
Fly from Sydney to New York via American Airlines for only $737.
Travel period is from 18 October to 3rd December 2016.
Note: The flight fares are no longer available.
Booking is available for a limited time only.
I think it may be a mistake? How did you get these prices as I spent 20mins searching for flights between October and 1st December and cannot get anything under $1300 return?
no longer available
I think it may be a mistake? How did you get these prices as I spent 20mins searching for flights between October and 1st December and cannot get anything under $1300 return?
Tried this morning and ticked fare from New York to Sydney was $460.7, The prices has been jacked up again. Try booking by Zuji now as they are offering connecting flights for $736.46: