1 - Head to ing.com.au/everyday, open a new Orange Everyday account and enter (referral code) in the promo box at the end of the online form
(this part's really important, as otherwise neither of you will get your bonus!)
2 - Deposit their pay of $1,000+ into their new Orange Everyday account within any calendar month by 28 February 2018
3 - Open and make a deposit into a new Savings Maximiser by 28 February 2018
4 - Use their Orange Everyday card to make 5+ purchases before 28 February 2018
Excellent first post.
June 2020 referral code for $100 is FIX724
What you need to do by 30 June 2020 to get $100 for free
1 Go to?ing.com.au/everyday, open a new Orange Everyday and?enter FIX724 in the promo box at the end of the online form?-?this part's really important otherwise neither of the involved parties get referral reward!
2 Deposit $1,000+ (such as their pay) from an external account into their new Orange Everyday account within any calendar month.
3 Open a Savings Maximiser (if they don't already have one) and make a deposit into this account.
4 Make 5+ settled (not pending) purchases using their new Orange Everyday card within any calendar month.
Your can find out more at?ing.com.au/refer?but be sure to give them your code first:?FIX724